Black Girl Cry – Available for Pre-Sale!

How many times have you heard the advice, “Don’t cry. You don’t want to seem weak.”? Have you ever considered that rather than being a sign of weakness, crying may actually be considered a sign of strength? This is one of the key messages that Heidi Lewis and her seven co-authors aim to get across in Black Girl Cry: What Black Women Need to Know to Amplify Their Voices.

All too often, women—especially women of color—are given signals to stay in the shadows, to not draw attention to themselves, or to hide who they are and where they come from. Black Girl Cry advises exactly the opposite. All of the contributing authors in this anthology share with great courage and vulnerability the trauma and obstacles that they have faced as Black women and how they leaned into these experiences to discover, create, and reveal to the world their authentic selves.

If you feel uncomfortable in your skin or are struggling to find or share your voice, you will find comfort and inspiration in the stories in Black Girl Cry.


Iola’s Daughter

Iola’s Daughter is an inspirational story of a young girl’s pursuit to heal after losing her mother to suicide. Nightmares provide the details of that day, and it fuels her determination to understand her mother’s plight. By seeking answers from God, Iola’s daughter finds purpose in her pain and learns to reconcile her grief by sharing her journey. This story will give children hope that life is not the end of the road. There is life after loss.



Soulful Prayers

In a world where the hustle and bustle of life can often cause us to feel distant from God, prayer is vital. Yet although we know its importance, we frequently struggle to find the right words to express the cry of our heart. That is why Soulful Prayers: The Power of Intentional Communication with God is an essential book for every believer––no matter where you are in your relationship with Him.

Through this soul-stirring prayer anthology, Cheryl Polote-Williamson and 52 coauthors offer sincere prayers for trusting in God, finding peace and power in forgiveness, healing from grief and loss, discovering your purpose, reviving hope and love, and much more.

If you have been longing to draw closer to God just as He has been longing to hear from you, Soulful Prayers will lead you into His presence with supplications that are wholehearted and effectual.


Soul Talk, Volume 3: Soul-Stirring Stories of People Who Let Go and Let God

Brought to you by visionary Cheryl Polote-Williamson, features 21 coauthors who are bearing their very souls so that you will gain the hope, strength, and faith you need to overcome your pains, disappointments, and heartaches.

Another essential guide in the bestselling Soul Talk series, this life-changing anthology provides you with a roadmap that will deeply gratify your yearning to cultivate a more intimate relationship with God.

Many of these revealing and traumatic stories will echo your own, but so will the victorious endings. Whether you are going through a battle in your mind, body, spirit, or emotions, the well of wisdom within these pages will spring forth and compel you to leap into the freedom you were born to experience.